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Want to know more about the board and connect to them about specific issues?
Landon Bubb
Executive Director
Major: Anthropology

Year: 4th Year

Important Issue: Food systems and transparency. I'm a big supporter of the Athens Farmers Market, Wholesome Wave, and the Daily Co-op which seek to tackle coroporate corruption and food insecurity while building a more deliberate relationship with your food.

Advice: Bike more! Biking is one of the easiest ways to increase your relationship to the world around you while reducing your dependence on unsustainable energy. There's something so rewarding about getting across town using nothing more than your legs and your bike. Also, less metal around you means you can wave at friends and stop to give hugs and smell flowers.

SEA Officers

Ellen Ziesenhene
Vice President
3rd Year Geography Minor: Environmental Law

Important Issue: Sustainable Agriculture and our reliance upon fossil fuels

Advice: Be aware of your surroundings and how simple of an action can have such great impacts. We must stop being so self absorbed and think about others and how what we do can seriously harm others and future generations.

Yasmin Asghari
Director of Finances
Third year, Environmental Health Sciences

Important Issue: 

1) Waste and associated environmental issues such as: recycling, composting, plastic waste reduction, E-waste, and water/soil contamination due to improper disposal

2) Water: conservation, acid rain, ocean dumping, urban runoff, and oil spills.

3) Food Safety: GMOs, hormones, antibiotics, preservatives, toxic contamination.

4) Air Quality: indoor and outdoor air quality, carbon emissions, particulate matter (PM), volatile organic compounds(VOCs), methane emissions, and ozone depletion.

Advice: Be aware of what you put in the recycle bin. Certain facilities do no recycle items such as styrofoam, plastic bags/wrap, and paper towels. Plastic bags/wrap can damage the facility's equipment while products that are not recyclable items end up going to the landfill amounting to extra transportation.

Christine Kil
Community Outreach Director
Major: International Affairs and Geography

Year: 2nd Year

Important Issue: 1. Blatant pollution of water and the air (garbage, oil, hazardous waste, toxins etc). 2. Unequal distribution of food and water around the world.

Advice: Strive towards sustainability for you, your fellow people, future generations, animals, plants, and other living organisms, not abstractly for "the planet." The Earth doesn't care what we do to it, it's going to move on to another geologic era in a million years. Yes, it's unethical to destroy the Earth's natural beauty, but people put off making changes when they hear "the planet" as a distant thing that doesn't affect them NOW. Be conscious of how your actions affect other living beings in the present and future.

Georgia Sutter


Important Issue


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